Jl. Krekot Jaya B2 No. 18, Jakarta, Indonesia yayasancamade@gmail.com +62 818906270

Activity Report January 2023


The New Year starts of with a very special project in Atambua, NTT. Esther working together with local friends travels to 15 different villages outside of Atambua. They spend time to encourage the local residents and distribute food packages in 6 villages, stuffed animals and toys for children in 3 villages and shoes in 5 villages. The Food packages total amount to 2 tons of rice, 200 kg of sugar, 200 kg of salt, 400 kg of oil, 200 dozen bread buns. They distribute 240 “Shaun the Sheep” stuff animals and toys. The shoes and sandals distributed totaled 500 pairs.


Tahun baru ini kami mulai dengan proyek khusus di Atambua, NTT. Esther bekerja bersama teman-teman disana mengunjungi 15 desa berbeda di pinggiran kota Atambua. Mereka menghabiskan waktu dengan masyarakat desa dan membagikan paket sembako di 6 desa, mainan anak-anak dan boneka di 3 desa dan sepatu di 5 desa. Jumlah total paket sembako mencapai 2 ton beras, 200kg gula, 200kg garam, 400kg minyak sayur, dan 200 buah roti. Mereka juga membagikan 240 buah boneka “Shaun the Sheep” dan mainan. Sepatu dan sendal yang dibagikan mencapai 500 pasang.

shoes and sandals
toys for the children
toys for the children
toys for the children
toys for the children
“Shaun the Sheep” stuffed animals
“Shaun the Sheep” stuffed animals
“Shaun the Sheep” stuffed animals
more shoes and sandals
more shoes and sandals
more shoes and sandals
food staples delivered to villages
distribution to individuals
Esther and team delivering food staples