Jl. Krekot Jaya B2 No. 18, Jakarta, Indonesia yayasancamade@gmail.com +62 818906270


In the beginning of April we had a 3 member team travel to Atambua, NTT for a week where we visited villages in the surrounding area to distribute goods that were shipped from Jakarta. We distributed clothing, blankets, educational materials and snacks and took time to interact with the people and do activities with the children. We were in Atambua when tropical cyclone Seroja passed through the area and so right away we were able to start distribution of food packages to areas affected by the storm.

Diawal bulan April, tim kami yang berjumlah 3 orang melakukan program di Atambua, NTT selama seminggu. Seperti biasa barang-barang donasi berupa pakaian, selimut, buku edukasi berkarakter, boneka, dan makanan ringan sudah kami kirim terlebih dahulu dari Jakarta, dan program berisi kunjungan ke desa-desa di pedalaman kota Atambua dimana kami selalu menghabiskan waktu untuk berinteraksi dan memberikan semangat kepada penduduk desa. Siklus badai seroja menerpa Atambua selagi kami masih disana, dan berkat bantuan teman-teman yang cepat tanggap terhadap musibah ini, kami dapat memberikan langsung bantuan berupa paket sembako ke daerah-daerah yang terkena badai.

arriving in Atambua
dolls for the children
educational materials
comforting the elderly
schools bags for children
distribution in the village
everyone gets a snack
drinks along with snacks
distribution as we drive
children happy with dolls
village near the ocean
this is Angela who we met a few years ago and gave her a wheel chair. She is doing much better
blankets that were sent from Jakarta for villages in the mountains where it gets quite cold

On April 4th tropical Cyclone Seroja hit the eastern part of Indonesia causing widespread damage from high winds and flooding. Our team decided to concentrate on the Island of Alor in East Nusa Tenggara. Our 4 member team arrived in Alor on the 14th and stayed until the 26th of April. With funding from sponsors  mostly in Jakarta we were able  to purchase items in the main city of Kalabahi where we prepared 2,200 food  packages, 500 dolls, 500 school backpacks 1,000 sarongs & 1,500 clothing. We worked with local volunteers in Alor to distribute these supplies to 20 different villages on 3 different islands. We couldn’t have done all this without the help of the local friends in Alor who supplied all the logistics, food and housing for our team to travel and distribute to different areas affected by the storm.

Tanggal 4 April badai seroja menerpa bagian Timur Indonesia dan mengakibatkan kerusakan dan bahkan kematian yang disebabkan oleh angin kencang dan hujan lebat. Tim kami memutuskan untuk membantu di Alor, NTT dan berada disana selama hampir 2 minggu. Tim yang berjumlah 4 orang mempersiapkan kurang lebih 2.200 paket sembako, 500 boneka, 500 tas sekolah, 1.000 kain sarung, dan 1.500 pakaian yang mana semua ini adalah donasi dari teman-teman. Dengan bantuan teman kami di Alor, yang juga membantu kami dengan tempat tinggal, transportasi, konsumsi, dan SDM, kami mendistribusikan bantuan ke sekitar 20 desa di 3 pulau yang berbeda.

our team arriving in Alor
life straw from sponsor in Jakarta
loaded and ready to go
balloon animals for children
truck loaded with 500 food packages
dolls to encourage the children
ready to go with truck
travel to islands by boat
activities with children
balloon animals
food packages
spending time with the children