Jl. Krekot Jaya B2 No. 18, Jakarta, Indonesia yayasancamade@gmail.com +62 818906270


This month volunteers traveled from our base in Jakarta to Cirebon, Tegal, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Magelang and Bandung. This was a multi-purpose trip with the first objective being to deliver STEPS Character Building Sets to pre-school teachers in remote villages in the surrounding areas of these cities. We also conducted a short workshop with the teachers with tips and an explanation on how to use the materials. Usually we try to have a few schools come together so that we can cover more schools that way. We provide each school that attends the meeting with a STEPS set.

STEPS is a character building curriculum set. This set includes 20 course subjects, with a booklet on each one featuring stories, illustrations, questions and activities, a teacher’s handbook with active learning activities, just-for-fun games, and a sing-along CD and an award certificate is included with each set. The complete set is translated to Indonesian.


Bulan ini relawan kami melakukan perjalanan dari Jakarta ke Cirebon, Tegal, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Magelang dan Bandung. Salah satu tujuan dari perjalanan ini adalah untuk meyalurkan paket program Pembentukan Karakter Langkah Tumbuh Kembang ke PAUD di desa-desa sekeliling kota-kota tersebut. Selain itu, kami juga mengadakan workshop singkat untuk para guru PAUD untuk mengajarkan cara penggunaan buku-buku yang kami berikan. Kami biasanya mengumpulkan beberapa PAUD untuk menghadiri workshop dan di akhir acara, setiap PAUD mendapatkan 1 set.

Program Langkah Tumbuh Kembang ini adalah program pembentukan karakter, yang terdiri dari 20 buku siswa (yang berisi cerita-cerita, aktivitas, prakarya, pertanyaan dan moral), 1 buku panduan guru (yang juga berisi aktivitas dan lagu-lagu), 1 buah CD dan 1 lembar sertifikat. Program ini telah kami terjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia.

Terry giving tips on how to use the STEPS material
Sets of STEPS
Teachers and students at one of the schools we visited
Group picture with teachers
Enthusiastic parents watch from outside
Happy teachers with their STEPS
Group picture after workshop

The secondary objective of our trip was to visit friends in these areas and establish new contacts for future projects. While in Yogyakarta we spent most of our time in Boro village in Kulon Progo where Bella was able to volunteer as an activity instructor in a “Back to Nature” education center called “Dolan Deso”. This is a project to give students the opportunity to live in a village and experience nature and learn about the simple things in life that often they are out of touch with due to the fast paced gadget filled life in society today. We are realizing that there are certain aspect of life that are missing in modern society which cannot be obtained by knowledge based education but that the village community richly possesses and that villagers themselves can actually teach us these virtues when given the opportunity.

Tujuan lain dari perjalanan ini adalah untuk mengunjungi teman-teman dan juga mencari informasi dan sponsor baru untuk program-program lain di masa depan. Sewaktu berada di Yogyakarta, tepatnya di desa Boro, Kulonprogo, salah satu relawan kami, Bella membantu menjadi asisten pemandu di salah satu tempat edukasi yang bernama “DolanDeso”. Tempat ini memberikan kesempatan kepada para pengunjung untuk menikmati kehidupan pedesaan sekaligus mengajarkan cara hidup sederhana, yang dimana mereka sendiri tidak tahu dikarenakan oleh maraknya dunia gadget di lingkungan masyarakat sekarang ini. Kami menyadari bahwa ada aspek-aspek penting kehidupan yang  berkurang atau bahkan hilang dari dunia modern yang justru masih dimiliki oleh penduduk pedesaan dan aspek-aspek inilah yang ditawarkan oleh DolanDeso.

One of the groups at nature education center
Bella as activity instructor with her group
More English teaching using flashcards
Interacting with the children in the preschools we visited

Teaching English with simple fruit flashcards 


Our last stop on our trip was Bandung where we visited a new orphanage in Cimahi. Thanks to sponsor in Jakarta we were able to bring some needed food staples to give to the orphanage. While there we had a fun activity teaching the children origami.

Tempat pemberhentian terakhir adalah Bandung, dimana kami berkunjung ke Panti Asuhan di daerah Cimahi. Terima kasih kepada para sponsor yang telah mendanai pembelian bahan sembako dan juga makanan ringan. Di kunjungan ini, kami juga mengajarkan prakaya origami kepada anak-anak.

Children help to unload food staples from the car in Cimahi
Teaching origami to the children

Together with staff and children


This month Ester prepared a shipment of powdered milk and clothing which was sent to Atambua, NTT where she will travel soon to deliver these goods to remote areas around Atambua.

She also delivered fans for an orphanage in Pamulang and Depok. As an activity for the children, Esther taught them how to make friendship bracelets which they all enjoyed.


Bulan ini Esther kembali mempersiapkan pengiriman susu bubuk dan baju-baju ke Atambua, NTT untuk program pembagian berikutnya di daerah terpencil sekitar kota Atambua.

Esther juga mengantarkan kipas angin untuk Panti Asuhan di Pamulang dan Depok. Untuk aktivitas, Esther mengajarkan anak-anak cara membuat gelang persahabatan.

Milk and clothes ready to go to Atambua, NTT
Fans for orphanage in Depok
Friendship bracelets

Fans for orphanage in Pamulang